Welcome to Shikarpur Police

The Sindh Police in pursuit of its mission, believes in providing quality service with the highest possible degree of excellence, based upon the principles
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Message Of SSP Shikarpur Mr. Shahzaib Chachar, PSP

The Shikarpur Police is committed to uphold the rule of law, respect for human rights, ensure safety and security of the citizens, making highways safe, enhanced accessibility in Katcha area through tactical operations with high Degree of Excellence, based upon the principles of fairness, Integrity, honesty and respect for Human Dignity. Shikarpur Police is taking proactive measures for control of crime through increased presence, use of innovative I.T. based system for arrest of habitual criminals, POs and absconders, which has yielded significant decrease in crime. Improving quality of investigation remains the prime focus of police. Open door policy and enhanced interaction with complainants has provided relief to the victims. While doing so, welfare of force remains a top priority. In spite of all constraints and challenges, District Police is committed to protect and serve the people of Shikarpur.

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