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The Sindh Police in pursuit of its mission, believes in providing quality service with the highest possible degree of excellence, based upon the principles
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Message Of SP Mr. Abdul Khaliq Pirzada, PSP

Prevention of crime, maintenance of law and orders and redressal of public grievances is the foremost priority of Police. Police must ensure that the registration of FIR is swift and hassle free. Negligence, carelessness and unempathetic behavior will not be tolerated at any cost.
In order to control crime supervisory officer should formulate comprehensive anti-crime strategy. Active measures such as improved patrolling/ snap checking covering hotspots of crime (motorcycle theft/ snatching) must be taken. Police should map and analyze the crime pattern of motorcycle theft/ snatching and house robberies and identify professional criminal involved in such crimes. Installation of CCTV cameras across cities should be encouraged. The same may be geo tagged on Google maps and if possible integrated into police surveillance network...

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